AUG / 2010

 Life is a game of survival,

Martial Arts taught me how to survive.


Interview by Eddie Morales

Online Magazine


My name is Eddie Morales and welcomed to Online Martial Arts Magazine. I want to introduce our readers to Master Bruce Ortiz. He is a New York based Martial Artist that was introduced to the Martial Arts at a very young age. Since its introduction he has continued its practice with a heartfelt dedication reminiscent of a modern day warrior. Master Ortiz is open minded in his pursuit of learning and eclectic in his manner of teaching. He teaches his students through a variety of scenarios that can only be found in the unforgiving streets, which he grew up in. His message is simple in that you must train as if your life depends on it, so that you can instinctively focus your anger and fear at the moment you become victim to a violent attack. Master Ortiz is authentic in his pursuit of teaching and walks the walk as only a warrior could. His classes are filled with eager minds, as they understand he genuinely cares for their well-being. We here at are fortunate to get this interview and we hope you enjoy it. Where are you originally from?


BRUCE ORTIZ: I was born in Manhattan but grew up in the Bronx.  Mount St. Vincent hospital was where I took my first breath.  I grew up in many different sections of the Bronx but still call the South Bronx my home. What is currently your occupation?


BRUCE ORTIZ: I could say that my occupation is Martial Arts but I think of it as more of my lifestyle.  I am funded by an after school program called Aspira of New York.  I’ve been with their program for over 15 years.  I have two locations with them: Bronx Location: 345 Brook Avenue, Bronx, NY 10454.  It is open to ages 5 yrs old and up.  I am there every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Manhattan Location: P.S. 193 located at 138th Street and Amsterdam Avenue.  I teach first through Fifth grade there.
 When did you begin your Martial Arts training and with whom?


BRUCE ORTIZ: I began training in Shotokan Karate at the age of 16 with Grand Master Reno Morales of B.S.K.C. but continued with other Masters as well as other styles.  I currently have black belts under the following Masters and their systems:

·        Reno Morales – Shotokan

·        Dr. Michael DeFillipo –  TaeKwonDo and Hapkido Academy – ITF TaeKwonDo

·        Dr. Carlos Diaz – Shotokan

·        Dr. Carlos Febres – Kempo Atemi Jutsu & Jujutsu under the Nindo Ryu Federation.

·        Jedan O Figueroa – Jujitsu

·        Master Won Keun Bai – ITF TaeKwonDo

  • Dartagnan Parra Sr. – WTF TaeKwonDo


I also have a Green Belt in San Yama Bushi Ryu under Hector Negron and a Blue Belt in Brazilian Jujutsu under Eduardo Santos / Fabricio Medici under LOTUS.


 How has Martial Arts training helped you in your daily life?


BRUCE ORTIZ: Martial Arts has given me one of the most important things that can be attained in ones daily life, “Inner peace.”  Not only has it given me relentless strength but has kept me in good physical condition as well. In addition, its practice has molded the way I think and made my body, mind and soul one, which strengthens my every action in all endeavors.  Most importantly, Martial Arts has put me in tune with the energy of this world. By that I mean that it gave me the clarity to see that before I can learn, I must understand, in order to respect others, I must first respect myself and before I can teach, I must do.  That is why I continue to train every day of my life.  You reach a plateau where you understand that it is no longer what you do but instead it becomes who you are. It took me off the streets and gave me an entirely different view of the world. It expanded my mental posture while enriching my existence. Life is a game of survival, Martial Arts taught me how to survive.
 That was an interesting analytical view of your Martial Arts practice. My next question is, who in your life influenced you the most regarding Martial Arts and or life in general?


BRUCE ORTIZ: Little did my Mother Joann Reyes and Father Jimmy Cabaza, know that when they gave me the name Bruce Lee, it would become the biggest motivator and in turn make them the greatest influence in my life. Throughout my school years, my name has introduced me to many people who were overzealous in trying to kick “Bruce Lee’s” butt, lol.  Once I began training, the bullying stopped.  I realized I could quickly put an end to the ignorance, and began to focus on avoiding confrontations and defusing them instead.  It was one of the first lessons I learned, karate wasn’t about fighting.  It was about controlling yourself before attempting to control others.  I held the outcome to most situations and I chose not to let them occur. Do you practice or believe in kata (Pre arranged movements) and if so, why?


BRUCE ORTIZ: I absolutely believe in kata.  Katas are the foundation of my TAE SHO DO system.  Not only must you practice katas, you must understand the applications in order to benefit from them.  This is where you learn technique and how to apply it.  Katas show you how to successfully counter as well as strike.  It gives you the ability to defend against multiple attackers and helps you to understand how the body needs to move.  Katas help with balance and focus.  Once you understand them, you begin to gain the mental maturity you need to get to the next level. Do you believe that Martial Arts is good training for children and why or why not?


BRUCE ORTIZ: Martial Arts is good for children as well as adults.  I believe it builds character, instills morals, builds self-esteem, and teaches self-respect.  Once you plant that, it bleeds through the system and the entire energy you project is different.  If you teach a child how to honor themselves, they in turn will honor others.  At the very least, it will keep them active and off the streets.

While I believe children will definitely benefit from practicing the Arts, I also believe that some Arts aren’t for minors.  In my opinion, systems such as Jujutsu, Aikido and MMA should not be introduced until they are older and able to demonstrate self-control and caution. Do you believe its beneficial to study with different instructors or systems and if so why?


BRUCE ORTIZ: To look at my history is to know that I do believe it is beneficial to extend studies to other systems and Masters.  I believe every system has its benefits.  Different Masters also have different strengths and methods of teaching.  Every road you choose in life will bring you knowledge.

If you think back to school years, I’m sure everyone had a subject where something just didn’t make sense and no matter how the professor explained it, you were lost.  Then comes another professor and all of a sudden it is clear as day.  Life is not meant to live just one way just as Martial Arts was not meant to be studied in a fixed way.  Every path has the ability to become a fruitful journey.  Life brings you many lessons each day.  Live, learn, apply. Do you study any form of weaponry?


BRUCE ORTIZ: My Martial Arts has made my hands, feet and mind my weapon, but I have studied kali and have just recently begun to work with a Bo staff. Do you think the UFC and mixed martial arts shows have helped the martial arts in general?


BRUCE ORTIZ: I think there is a misconception embedded.  To me, UFC and MMA were born from Martial Arts but it is not the same thing.  The UFC / MMA is a sport.  Martial Arts is a lifestyle.  Some might argue that UFC & MMA is their lifestyle but there is a difference.  It was bred from the competiveness in us all, not to mention the opportunity to make money.  To us it is sacred and so we adhere to true Martial Art philosophy, but some feel the need to prove they are superior at the carnage, and yet others are caught in between.  So to answer your question, I believe the UFC and Mixed Martial Art shows have helped the SPORT but in many ways have damaged the purity of The ART. What would you say is your greatest personal achievement in martial arts or life in general?


BRUCE ORTIZ: Believe it or not, my greatest achievement is not a trophy or any kind of award.  It is the knowledge that I have personally touched a student’s life in a positive way and have helped them to better their lives in some aspect.  Working for an after school program has given me the opportunity to affect many people’s lives; People that would not normally be able to afford Martial Arts training. 

I have helped people remove themselves from dangerous lifestyles, I have seen women take charge of their lives and defend themselves. I have helped children with family issues.  There have also been some that I have not been able to help. However, each life that I touch is an achievement in itself.  Many of my older students see me as a father figure and that warms my heart.  That right there is my greatest achievement. Do you have short or long term goals in regards to martial arts?


BRUCE ORTIZ: My long-term goal is to pass down all of my knowledge and training to as many people as I can.  To have my system followed long after I am gone.  I know the quality of warrior that I breed.  I know that any one of my Sensei’s, including my wife and hopefully my daughter, when she gets older, will be able to teach as if I were teaching through them.  My goal, through my system and training, is to leave a legacy and live beyond my death. Our research shows you are involved in the music business. Can you tell our readers about your involvement?


I had to laugh when I saw this question. I kept myself active throughout my earlier years. My activities, in addition to training were gymnastics and street dancing, or break-dancing. That was back when I had hair, lol. To keep a long story short, it led me to different styles of dance and put me directly in the path of Shihan George Vascones who became my road manager while I was dancing with a group known as the Sparkle Dancers.

I met many Freestyle/Dance artists while dancing for Sparkle and had the opportunity to dance for many of them including Judy Torres, Nyasia and more. I was approached by a couple of gentlemen that I knew who sang under the group name "Quadlibet" and was asked to choreograph their routine. They later asked me to join the group and I accepted. That was the early 90s.




It's funny, there was a time that I was asked to choose between the singing and my Martial Arts. There was no way I was going to give up my Art. Things have a way of working themselves out. The group took a long hiatus but has since gotten back together and just released our new single titled "You Don't Know the Pain", earlier this year.

I always tell people if you have a passion, follow it. Being a Warrior does not only pertain to Martial Arts. It pertains to life. I will always give 310% no matter what I'm doing.

You might see me in the dojo perfecting my technique or you may see me on stage singing my heart out while dancing and flipping, but one thing is for sure; I will always be humble, my aura will always be honorable and I will always be genuine. In short, I will always be a Warrior.

                I see from your list of instructors you have trained in Jiu Jitsu. Do you believe Jiu Jitsu enhances your training and if yes or no, why?


BRUCE ORTIZ: I believe it makes me versatile.  As I previously stated, there are benefits to training in multiple systems.  Life constantly changes, situations constantly change, and I see no harm in having the ability to defend myself in multiple ways. Is there any art form that you would still like to study?


BRUCE ORTIZ: I would like to continue to enhance my system, focus on what I have built, but I will never turn down the opportunity to learn something new.  My TAE SHO DO system is an eclectic system, anything I learn can and may be used to our advantage.  OUS! Do you have any words you would like to say to children in regards to life in general?


BRUCE ORTIZ: Life is a journey that can lead you to ANYWHERE you want to go as long as you believe in yourself.  It may be difficult but we are our most powerful resource.  The heart and the mind can and will get you through anything in life.  I tell you this because it applies not only to Martial Arts, but also to life in general.  Push yourself to the limit, stay DETERMINED, stay FOCUSED, stay TRUE to yourself and live your life with HONOR.  NEVER limit yourself, take the word “I Can’t” out of your vocabulary.  WORK HARD in everything you do and the rewards will be yours.  Always try to focus on the positive and NEVER EVER stop believing.  Strengthen your soul, strengthen your spirit, strengthen your heart and your mind, then strengthen your body.  All will come together as it should in the end.  OUS!


Grand Master Mansor and Fabricio Medici  kioto

09/25/2011 Thank you for this interview and we here at wish you continued success.


BRUCE ORTIZ: Thank you for this opportunity.

